"I would like to comment on Plorenoo Conrad's artiole, 'In Defense of "Defense", in the August issue of THE LADDER. My remark during the convention forum on 'Why the Losbian?' concorning the need to forego solf-justification before society was made to a specific question that was asked. I was unable to amplify the point at that time, as I would like to have done, because I was aware that, taken literally, the counsel might be soon as antagonistio to the aims and purposes of the Daughters of Bilitis. This was far from my intention at that time.

"If I could have explained my point further, I doubt if I would have boen able to do so as thoroughly and as satisfyingly as Florence Conrad did in her excellent articlo. There is that which noeds defending, and thero is that which does not need defense. Croativo effort can como only when one is able to distinguish between the two. I am grateful to Mics Conrad for her able clarification of this point, and I hope that your readers will reflect deeply on hor words."

LEO J. ZEFF, Ph.D. Borkeloy, California


Your slap at THE LADDER has boomeranged! Aside from the mail you yourself have received and graciously forwarded, lettors and subscriptions have boon pouring into the DO B office. One lettor addressed simply to "Daughtors of Bilitis, San Francisco, California" roached us. Anothor quoried the San Francisco Chambor of Commorco for our address. Following are a fow of the letters received ro the Great Debate (Ann Aldrich vs. THE LADDER):

"As it was pointed out, Ann Aldrich is controversial,